Monday, May 25, 2009

I've been lucky enough to pick up some of Mike's Indy Masterpiece sketches for a really reasonable price, so much so that I probably have more of his sketches from this set than any other. Mike loves Indiana Jones, and it comes thru in his art. I tend to gravitate towards the humorous sketches- like the dazed Nazi who got knocked off the truck- or Marion's Drinking Contest from the original movie (it just strikes me funny how Mike drew the guy she was drinking against)- or how Mike made the size differential so great in the Bald Guy fighting Indy (his hand is HUGE.. it looks like he's going to squash Indy's head like a melon). I think they're all great cards.
On another note, on this day I hope we all remember not only those who fought for our country in the past, but also those currently in the military serving our country. You're all heroes to me. Thanks for reading...

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Galaxy 4 Sketches

I've been horribly lax with my blog lately, and not because I haven't picked up any Duron pieces- I've picked up a bunch in the past month- but because of personal reasons I've just been a slacker. So I'll try to put a renewed effort into my blog starting today. I'll start with Galaxy 4, one of the best non-sports sets to ever come out. The Vader/Sidious sketch by Mike is one of my favorites, depicting the scene where Vader picks up the Evil Emperor and throws him down the chute to stop him from killing his (Vader's) son Luke. Luke believed there was still good in his father, and Vader proved him right with his repentant act. I love how Mike drew the Ben "Obi Wan" Kenobi sketch- his caricature style is what first drew (no pun intended) me to his stuff.. easily recognized as Ben Kenobi, but the big eyes, nose, and ears giving him character. Finally the young Obi Wan sketch- it was the first sketch I pulled out of the 4th (and last) case of Galaxy 4 I opened, so it was a great start to a case- first box- Duron sketch. No caricature style here- Mike just draws him clean with great lines. I'd have to say the only thing more I'd have wanted in this sketch was the light saber colored in, but I think Mike only used color for his Return cards. All in all, three great sketches by Mike, and I'm glad to have them in my collection.
On another note, I think I read in Mike's blog that he's going to be cutting back on Non-Sports sets to concentrate on other projects, which is kind of a bummer to me, but also understandable. I always look forward to new sets coming out and the chance to pull one of Mike's cards, so if I have to wait a ittle longer, well, that's just part of life. I'm pretty used to waiting. Until next time, thanks for reading...